Saturday, November 19, 2011

Case Study Homework 11

For the second case study I chose the company Comcast.  Now I know that when we all think of Comcast the last thing that comes to mind is effective use of social media marketing, but suprising they're ranked as being one of the most effective users of social media marketing and it all started with one mans idea to help improve their customer service.  Frank Eliason, currently known as the most famous customer service manager, came up with a brilliant idea to use twitter to help improve customer service.  Customers simply tweet about issues they are having and they are answered with a speedy tweet reply.  Comcast formerly had a pretty bad wrap when it came to the subject of customer service, but now with the help of one of the biggest social media sites that's all changing.  Their goal with social media marketing was the help change the way people view their company and to also help to create a better customer service experience.

Bill GerthAbout @comcastcares

However Comcast does do a great job utilizing their twitter account, after checking their facebook account I noticed that the last post was made on October 11th...of 2010.  Even though their Twitter skills are top notch they still need to put focus on other venues of social media marketing.  It also appears that the same things follows suit with their youtube channel which hasn't had any recent posts in over a year.!/comcastcares

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